My aim was to include a few pictures of the band in this step of my contents page. I included each one the 'file' tab, then 'open', 'browse' and chose each photo that I had saved onto my memory stick. My first image included, which is my main image, is the same as my main image included on the front cover of my magazine - just with a twist. I have used the image that I was originally going to use, my edited version. I really like this version as you cannot see their facial expressions too well and everything looks pixalized. It also looks like something the band 'Muse' would do, looking back at their 'Supermassive Black Hole' music video, which is good as they are one of the bands inspired by this band. It is also a long shot. It has to be my favourite photograph that I have done throughout the magazine. I then included 2 small images of the band that I may or may not use in my double spread feature as I have plenty of other photographs. I included 3 photographs (2 long shot, 1 close-up shot) of the band as I researched other music magazines contents pages (such as Kerrang!, Rock Sound, NME, etc) and the majority of each contents page had a collection of a few images. I also thought this a really good idea, especially that I could play around with each one on my contents page. In the end, I decided to have them in a group together so that all the text can fit around them, as well as them being the centre of attention. I also think it still attracts my young target audience, especially as it is a full view of the band and they are also young themselves.
I then included a small coverline about the features page, on the corner and on top of the main image, to continue to lure the audience in. It states the page number, the band and says, "An interview & pictures of the gang with info about their first tour!" I did all of this by using the 'type tool', 'selection tool' as well as the 'fill' and 'stroke' tools to include the colour in the font. I chose to use a white font with a black outline so that it would all stand out against the photograph, as it is mainly in several colours. The only thing I changed was the page number and bullet point to have a red outline so they do not blend in as much, easily spotted and can go to that page as well as being different to the rest of the coverline. I think the text targets my audience as I have used slang, i.e. info, gang, etc. so that it is still serious and states the important parts of the feature but also includes a 'edge' to it.
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