Sunday 13 March 2011

How will I attract/address my audience?

My audience consists ages between 14 and 25, both of sexual preferences, of all sexualities and of the 'alternative', 'rock', 'indie' subcultures. I will include both male and female artists and bands because of this, as it credit my magazine and satisfy my audience.

What would teenage males want in my magazine?
  • comedy/funny articles and features
  • good-looking women (if heterosexual)
  • good-looking men (if bisexual, homosexual or are heterosexual and want some sort of role model.)
  • chords for musical instruments
  • lyrics
  • posters
  • interviews
  • merchandise pages
  • music that they like
  • style tips
  • swear words
  • advice
  • technology (old or new i.e. ipods, ipads, mp3s etc.)
  • games (wordsearch, sudoku etc.)

    What would teenage females want in my magazine?
  • horoscopes
  • fashion & make-up
  • fashion & make-up tips/advice
  • good-looking men (if they are heterosexual)
  • good-looking women (if they are bisexual, homosexual or heterosexual and want some sort of role model.
  • posters
  • technology (old or new i.e. ipods, ipads, mp3s etc.)
  • gossip articles
  • music that they like
  • style tips
  • merchandise pages
  • clothing websites
  • interviews
  • chords for musical instruments

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