Magazine Stories
There are 3 different types of stories that can be used in magazines:
- Feature
This is a prominent news story that is written like a short story; it is usually not related to a current event but it can be.
- News Feature
This is written as a follow-up or as a sidebar story that is linked to a breaking news event.
- Timeless Story
This does not have to be used immediately; this information of this story will be just as relevant if it is saved for a future issue.
There are many ways of generating ideas to use as a story, these include:
- News Stories
- Press Releases i.e. new technology
- Anniversaries of important events i.e. 9/11, Michael Jackson's death, tsunamis, earthquakes etc.
- Calender Events i.e. Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween etc.
- Currently goings on; celebrity news, album dates, tours etc.
Research is important when writing a story and there are many ways of doing so:
- Internet: the web is used at least once every day per person, it is being used so much that Press cuttings libraries are decreasing and only a few are still in use.
- Reference books: libraries are good and open to anyone, you can check facts and figures.
- Press cuttings: most newspapers & magazine groups will operate a cuttings library of some kind, often found online. Press cuttings are everything used in the media, so when researching a specific person you can reference events that have happened in the past. You should use as many as you can, especially when interviewing someone.
Writing a story
- The beginning of a story must pull the reader in; the lead (first sentence) but contain a hook (something that appeals to the reader and must make them want to read on), and it should also set the tone of the feature.
- There should be at minimum one half direct quotes - should try to paraphrase as much as possible.
- Final paragraph - should complete the story, refer back to the lead or use a quote to refer to the future.
- Standard story (news)/basic news lead - needs to include who, what, when, where, why & how of the story.
- A standard feature's is supposed to draw the reader in - make them curious and make them wonder why?
- Here's an example, I thought of:
'Paris Hilton has launched her new album 'Paris' and another new clothing range' but then being arrested for alleged possession of crack cocaine after being stopped in her car.
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